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Bird-a-thon 2017 Results

At our busiest time in May, during the peak of spring migration, Maine Audubon holds its annual Bird-a-thon. This is a fundraiser where teams of birders try to see as many species as they can within 24-hours, staying in Maine. There are strict rules for those who want to set a 'big-day' record, but …

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Introducing #pets4plovers

For years, Maine Audubon has been working on behalf of Piping Plovers, which are listed as an endangered species in Maine and are threatened under federal law. Each spring, the birds make their nests on many of the beaches of southern Maine. People love watching plovers scurrying across the beach -- …

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A new season of the Brook Trout Survey begins

The Brook Trout Project is off to a great start in 2017! Here are some of the highlights: So far, almost 40 volunteer anglers have signed up to survey remote ponds and coastal streams this spring, summer, and fall – already surpassing the total number of 2016 participants! Over a dozen stream …

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Maine’s rarefied air

Happy May, friends. Just like the pollinators that have recently arrived at Gilsland Farm, Maine Audubon has been buzzing lately! Here's a primer of some of the great and engaging happenings we've seen in recent days: A spate of remarkable rare bird alerts -- including for a Vermilion …

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