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News & Notes

Coldwater Fish in the Summer Heat

It was one of those infernally hot summer days, when the air anywhere away from the coast was stifling. I didn't really want to get into the car, but I convinced myself to take a short drive for the chance to ward off the heat by standing in a well-shaded stream. After rigging up a fly rod and …

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How to see a Little Egret

Birding has many interesting aspects. Birds offer plenty of exciting opportunities for discovery – from learning to the basics of identification to exploring the migratory timing or even just admiring them from your window. One of the most exciting aspects for me, is finding a rare bird. On June 8, …

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Fall is upon us…

Although the summer solstice – the “first day of summer” – was on June 21st, to some birds that may have been the first day of Fall. All of the shorebirds we see in Maine are migratory. Some of them migrate to Maine for the winter (Purple Sandpipers) while some come here just to breed (Piping …

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Less Lawn

Last week, Bringing Nature Home author Doug Tallamy spoke at Maine Audubon. His message was simple and straightforward.  Each of us has an opportunity to improve habitat for wildlife, beginning in the back yard. Tallamy showed how removing non-native and restoring native vegetation can pay huge …

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