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Action Alert! What’s Going on with the Land for Maine’s Future Bonds?

Unfortunately, the Maine House of Representatives recently failed to override the Governor’s veto of LD 1378, the bill that required the Governor to release the voter-approved bonds he’s holding – including the Land for Maine’s Future (LMF) bonds.

While the Senate voted to override the veto by a vote of 25-9, the close vote of 91-52 in the House was five votes shy of the required two-thirds majority. As a result, the Governor’s veto was upheld and the LMF bonds remain a political hostage.

What’s next?

Despite this tremendous disappointment, a majority of the House quickly responded by amending another bill, LD 1454, with language that directs the Governor to release the LMF bonds. After the affirmative House vote, the bill flew through the Senate and was enacted by both bodies.

We expect the Governor to veto the bill and the Legislature to vote on whether to override it early in the next session in January.

How you can help:

Please consider sending a personal email, making a phone call or writing a letter to your local newspaper encouraging your legislators to vote to override the Governor’s anticipated veto of LD 1454.

Contact your legislators today!


  •  Urge them to vote to override next session’s veto of LD 1454, a bill that directs the Governor to release the LMF bonds.
  • Thank them for voting in favor of the veto override of LD 1378, the bill that required the Governor to release voter-approved bonds.
  • Tell them you appreciate their support for critical funding to protect Maine’s natural heritage for generations to come.

How did your legislators vote?

LD 1454: House roll call/There was no Senate roll call
LD 1378: House roll call/Senate roll call

For more information, please go to our web page about Conservation Funding or please contact:

JenniferJenn Burns Gray

Maine Audubon Staff Attorney and Advocate

(207) 781-2330 x224