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Action Alert: Support Native Fish

Please contact your legislators today and ask that they support native fish, habitat connectivity, and sound science by supporting LD 922. LD 922 would the allow the passage of anadromous (“sea-run”) fish such as Alewives, Blueback Herring, and Sea Lamprey into Sheepscot Pond in Palermo, an …

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Fireflies in Winter?

Most people associate fireflies with soft summer evenings, but late in February and into March it is possible to see Winter dark fireflies (Ellychnia corrusca) glowing in the woods.  The larvae and pupae have the ability to bioluminesce, but lose the necessary organs as they become adults during …

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Nature Moments: Leaf Behavior in the Cold

In the latest Nature Moments video, Bowdoin professor and Maine Audubon trustee Nat Wheelwright takes a closer look at the fascinating ways some plants hold onto their leaves throughout the year -- including through the freezing winter months. Nature …

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