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Nature Moments: How to Keep a Nature Journal

The latest Nature Moment from Nat Wheelwright and acclaimed natural history writer Bernd Heinrich gets at the gist of what it takes to be a naturalist: being attentive. (Bernd authored the excellent feature article on this topic in our Fall 2017 issue of Habitat magazine.) Do you sometimes wish you …

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Results of the 2017 Loon Count

On the third Saturday of every July since 1984, over a thousand volunteers have ventured out on lakes and ponds across the state to search for, and count, Common Loons. Last July 15, 1,377 people participated in the 34th annual Maine Audubon Loon Count, once again providing reliable survey data that …

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Nature Moments: Outsmarting Squirrels

Check out Nat Wheelwright's latest "Nature Moments" video! Why is it so hard to keep squirrels off birdfeeders? After all, they're just rodents with brains the size of a ping-pong ball. Squirrels are such amazing problem-solvers because they're observant, social, experimental and …

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Caution: Alcid X-ing

Something is going on with alcids... During most winters, birders strain their scopes along the coast, hoping to catch a glimpse of one of these generally elusive birds. Alcids (short for Alcidae, the family that includes our Atlantic Puffin, Thick-billed and Common Murres, Razorbill, Dovekie, and …

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Nature Moments: Life Under the Ice

Check out Nat Wheelwright's latest "Nature Moments" video! Have you ever wondered what could be living underneath the ice of a frozen pond? With no light or air, and temperatures just above freezing, you'd think life would be impossible, but... Nature …

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