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LD 385, Wind Bill, Becomes Law

LD 385 has been signed by the Governor and is now law.  It improves public participation in the wind permitting process, increases predictability, protects the globally rare Bicknell's thrush, and ensures that approved wind development moving forward is designed and operated in a manner that …

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Rare Bird Alert: June 26 – July 2, 2013

Name: Maine Audubon Rare Bird Alert Reporting Period: June 26 – July 2, 2013 Area: State of Maine Compilers: Doug Hitchcox Noteworthy Species Mentioned: Great White Heron+ Tricolored Heron White-faced Ibis+ Black-necked Stilt Hooded Warbler Clay-colored Sparrow Seaside Sparrow (+ Details …

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Report & Update: Thursday Morning Birdwalks, Other News

Thursday, June 27 was Mike Windsor's last time to lead a bird walk for Maine Audubon in his official capacity. Mike has left Maine Audubon for a position at the Saco Library where he will cultivate another passion! We wish him the best. We will have no bird walk this week due to the July 4th …

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Rare Bird Alert June 19 – 25, 2013

Reporting Period: June 19 – 25, 2013 Area: State of Maine Compilers: Doug Hitchcox Noteworthy Species Mentioned: Red-billed Tropicbird+ Swallow-tailed Kite+ Tricolored Heron White-faced Ibis+ American Golden-Plover Black-necked Stilt American Three-toed Woodpecker Clay-colored …

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