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Rare Bird Alert – November 9 – 15, 2013

Area: State of Maine Compilers: Doug Hitchcox Noteworthy Species Mentioned: Greater White-fronted Goose Cackling Goose Eurasian Wigeon Little Gull Northern Hawk Owl Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Chestnut-sided Warbler Prairie Warbler Wilson's Warbler Yellow-breasted Chat (+ Details requested by …

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Rare Bird Alert – November 2 – 8, 2013

Area: State of Maine Compilers: Doug Hitchcox Noteworthy Species Mentioned: Greater White-fronted Goose Snow Goose Cackling Goose Barnacle Goose+ Eastern Screech-Owl+ Eastern Wood-Pewee Orange-crowned Warbler Nashville Warbler ‘Audubon's' Yellow-rumped Warbler Prairie …

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Rare Bird Alert – October 26 – November 19, 2013

Reporting Period: October 26 – November 1, 2013 Area: State of Maine Compilers: Doug Hitchcox Noteworthy Species Mentioned: Greater White-fronted Goose Pacific Loon Sandhill Crane White-eyed Vireo Bell's Vireo+ Rock Wren+ Orange-crowned Wabler ‘Audubon's' Yellow-rumped …

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Rare Bird Alert – October 19 – 25, 2013

Area: State of Maine Compilers: Doug Hitchcox Noteworthy Species Mentioned: Pink-footed Goose+ Cackling Goose Iceland Gull Long-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Red-headed Woodpecker Ash-throated Flycatcher+ White-eyed Vireo Bell's Vireo+ Townsend's Solitaire Orange-crowned Warbler Lark …

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In the Community – October and Bats

Bats are an important part of the ecosystem in Maine. With Halloween around the corner, it is a great time to learn about our local bats and why we should be scared for, not scared of, them. Listen: MPBN: Feds Propose Listing Bat as Endangered A species of bat native to Maine may be going on the …

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Trip Report: Bald Eagles of Merrymeeting Bay

Our 44th annual bald eagle trip on September 21, 2013 set a new record for total number (66) of bald eagles sighted! The boat was full of eager birders and the day was nice with a foggy ending, though we were told by some guests who know Southport that it always gets foggy around Southport no matter …

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Trip Report: 2013 Bar Harbor Pelagic

The basic description we have used for this trip humbly states "great boat, great camaraderie, and, of course, great sightings of birds and marine mammals" – this is an understatement on many counts! We were very pleased to have about 100 guests aboard this annual trip. Below you will find a short …

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