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Water Bond Update

Good news!  The Appropriations Committee announced last night the negotiated $50 million bond package.  $10 million of the bond package is to go to the Water Bond.  Of this $10 million, $5.4 will be for culverts, $4.2 for upgrades to drinking water and wastewater treatment facilities, and $400,000 …

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LD 1671, Gold Prospecting Bill Update

LD 1671, the bill that protects certain waters (that are special for brook trout) from motorized gold prospecting, has been enacted by both the House and Senate.  The Governor vetoed the bill and the veto was overriden by an impressive vote.  Kudos to our friend Jeff Reardon at Trout Unlimited and …

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Mining Bills Update 4-10-14

The Legislature has enacted LD 1851, the bill that delays the effective date of the Mining Act until June 2016 (from June 2014).  This now goes to the Governor for his signature.  LD 1772, the bill that kills the bad DEP/BEP rules, has been enacted in the House and approved in the Senate.  It now …

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Outcome Based Forestry Bill Enacted

LD 1847, An Act to Clarify Outcome Based Forestry, has been enacted by both the House and Senate! We applaud the ACF Committee for their unanimous support of the bill and Sen. Jim Boyle and Rep. Jeff McCabe for their leadership on this important issue.  We hope that the Governor will not veto the …

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