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Water Bond Update

Good news!  The Appropriations Committee announced last night the negotiated $50 million bond package.  $10 million of the bond package is to go to the Water Bond.  Of this $10 million, $5.4 will be for culverts, $4.2 for upgrades to drinking water and wastewater treatment facilities, and $400,000 for flood mitigation/wetland restoration.  The full Legislature will vote on the bond package later today.  Huge thank yous should go to Rep.s Jeff McCabe and Ken Fredette and Sen. Jim Boyle for helping to keep the amount strong.  A vast amount of legislators are very supportive and have been extremely helpful including Sen. Justin Alfond, Sen. Emily Cain, Sen. Dawn Hill, Sen. Anne Haskell, Sen. Pat Flood, Rep, Mark Eves, Rep. Mike Carey, Rep. Mike Shaw, Rep. Dennis Keshl, and Rep. Peggy Rotundo. Tom Abello of the Nature Conservancy did a fantastic job creating a strong, broad based coalition that was instrumental in creating a huge amount of bipartisan support.  Thank you to our activists who were instrumental in creating this groundswell of support.