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News & Notes

Rescuing the American Chestnut

There are many discouraging stories when it comes to our native tree species these days: Emerald Ash Borer, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, and Beech Leaf Disease, to name a few. The story of the American Chestnut, however, has had a much more positive trajectory in recent years, mainly thanks to the work …

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Andy’s note: September marks a time of change

Suddenly, it's September, the month of the Autumn Equinox. I usually enter September in denial.  Summer in Maine is so fantastic that I'm reluctant to relinquish my grip on it.  Given our wet summer this year, I suspect that I'm not alone.  However, when I look around, I have to admit there are …

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Fall Planting Season is Here!

September is the new May for planting. In Maine, late summer into fall is the best time to get native plants in the ground. Benefits of fall planting include cooler temperatures, increased (continued) rainfall leading to reduced watering, and early spring growth. If you’re wondering what to add to …

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Fields Pond Celebrates its 25th Birthday!

“I’m the same age as Fields Pond!” exclaimed Brianna Guy, educator and naturalist at Fields Pond Audubon Center, as she twirled around last weekend in a butterfly costume. Her enthusiasm for the center was contagious for all who celebrated the 25th Anniversary of Fields Pond in Holden last weekend, …

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