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News & Notes

Thank You for Filling the Feeder on March 20!

Last week, we held our first-ever day-of-giving livestream. We asked you to donate -- and we promised to add bird seed to a feeder live on camera for each gift you made. Boy did you answer the call! Over the course of the day, well over 100 people made gifts to Maine Audubon. By early afternoon, …

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Spring for wildlife with Maine Audubon

It's here! The first day of spring -- and our March 20th Spring for Wildlife one-day giving event! We've wrapped up our livestream (you can watch it below) -- but that doesn't mean you can't still support Maine's wildlife. Scroll down to the giving form to make your Spring for Wildlife …

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The Plovers Are Coming! Celebrate Them on March 16

In the list of noteworthy visitors to Maine's beaches each summer, Piping Plovers ought to be right at the top. Every year, these iconic shorebirds nest on sandy beaches up and down our coast, raising their young alongside all of us who are looking to enjoy the beach. Plovers head out to the …

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Ruffed Grouse Behavior

Better known as Partridge, or "pahtridge" depending on who you are talking to, the Ruffed Grouse is a common game bird in Maine, the closet thing we have to a native chicken. Most encounters with Ruffed Grouse are a brief, quick views of their rear end as they blast off into the woods. As a prized …

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Andy’s Note: In Like a Lion

Happy March, friends. Even if it doesn't always feel like it when we step outside, spring is on the move. I'm reminded of this each year when I spot my first Tree Swallow, an early spring migrant. And while there may still be snow on the beaches, by the end of the month they'll be hosting …

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