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News & Notes

Andy’s blog: February is kindness month

Let's make February a month of kindness. February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Who couldn't use a little kindness right now? We've been navigating some particularly turbulent times and even those of us wearing rose colored glasses frequently find them fogged from our masks. With social …

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UPDATE - 23 Feb 2021: The Redwing has not been seen since the afternoon of the 22nd, despite extensive searching on the 23rd and 24th. ---------- UPDATE - 4-22 Feb 2021: Redwing showed throughout the day in its usual spot. Dickcissel and Black-headed Grosbeak also reported daily, typically …

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Find Your Sanctuary

Sanctuary (noun): a place of refuge.  One of the top things we can do for ourselves in these stressful times is to go outside (masked and distanced of course). Human beings need to step away from the news, from our daily pressures, and reconnect with nature.  Educator Richard Louv said “Now, more …

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Ten-year-old says fundraising is for the birds

During the turmoil of the past year, nature has provided comfort and inspiration to people of all ages. Most recently, young people have become passionate about protecting Maine's wildlife and habitat and have discovered very creative ways to get involved. One young lady sent this email to Maine …

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Twelve days of Maine Audubon! 

We've got 12 ways you can celebrate wildlife and habitat this holiday season. Let us know how you are having a wildlife-friendly holiday! Share your ideas and pictures, tag us, and use #12daysofMaineAudubon Make a wildlife-friendly ornament.  We've got some ideas here. Some bird-friendly …

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