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Maine's Naturalist

World Shorebirds Day

It seems like every day has been designated for something lately: National Blueberry Popsicle Day is September 2nd, the 4th is Newspaper Carrier Day and who could forget about National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day coming up on October 19th. But there is one big ‘day' coming up that I want to …

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How to see a Little Egret

Birding has many interesting aspects. Birds offer plenty of exciting opportunities for discovery – from learning to the basics of identification to exploring the migratory timing or even just admiring them from your window. One of the most exciting aspects for me, is finding a rare bird. On June 8, …

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Fall is upon us…

Although the summer solstice – the “first day of summer” – was on June 21st, to some birds that may have been the first day of Fall. All of the shorebirds we see in Maine are migratory. Some of them migrate to Maine for the winter (Purple Sandpipers) while some come here just to breed (Piping …

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Reflections on Warbler Walks

Each weekday morning from May 5th through the 15th, I had the pleasure of leading free walks at Evergreen Cemetery and Capisic Pond Park in Portland. In 10 days we saw 99 species, plus one other taxa (American Black Duck x Mallard hybrid). A complete list of these species is located at the end of …

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