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Nature Moments: Birdsong Baby Babble

Every bird in the world makes some kind of sound. But in order to develop a proper song, explains Nat Wheelwright, some of them need to listen to adults and then practice what they hear, in the same way children learn to speak. Nature Moments are …

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Golden-winged Warbler in South Portland

Warbler migration has just about peaked and the diversity we're seeing in southern Maine has been great this year. Our warbler walks at Evergreen Cemetery and Capisic Pond had a slower start but this week we've been seeing around 18 species of warblers each day. One of our "dream birds" to find is a …

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Nature Moments: Packing Leaves into Buds

How do plants pack their growing leaves inside such small buds? Nat Wheelwright explains the four main methods: leaves can be folded, rolled up, coiled, or pleated. The way a particular species packs its leaves has less to do leaf size or shape than with the plant's evolutionary …

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Pollinator Parade & Festival: Join the Fun!

As you read this, Monarch butterflies are making their way north from their overwintering grounds in Mexico -- according to Journey North, they've reached the mid-Atlantic states right now. By the time we see any in late summer here in Maine, these butterflies will have traveled almost three …

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