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2019 Bar Harbor Pelagic Trip Report

On Saturday, Septmeber 14th, Maine Audubon ran its annual pelagic tour out of Bar Harbor. While the seas were unfortunately rougher than predicted, we did have a few amazing highlights while on the water: Birds: Great Skua takes the top place again as our highlight bird. Only a single …

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Maine’s Naturalist: Grouse Encounters

This story was submitted by a member, Marion Britts of Orland, and we wanted to share her joy and excitement with others. We love hearing about how our members are making connections with the wild world around them. It has been included in full here with only minor edits. One morning as I was …

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Common Nighthawks Migrating

Keep your eyes to the skies this Labor Day Weekend as swarms of nighthawks migrate south! The Common Nighthawk is a seldom encountered species in Maine – most Mainers will be more familiar with their cousin, the vocal Eastern Whip-poor-will – but in late August we see a spike in their sightings as …

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Andy’s Note: Almost infinite

I've had the good fortune to crisscross the state to its four corners over the past few weeks.  A combination of both professional and personal travel, interspersed with great hikes and enjoyable paddling, was a delightful reminder of all of the bountiful treasures of wildlife and habitat in this …

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