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Volunteers Needed to Help Turtles to Safety

If you've ever swerved to avoid an animal in the road, or stopped to help a turtle cross the street, then you need to clear your calendar for March 11 or 28. One of the greatest threats that Maine's turtles face is making it across roads safely as they make their slow and steady way from wintering …

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Guest post: Life in the Arctic

It's 3 am and the cacophony surrounds me. I lie in my tent in the low angled light of a 24-hour sun, listening to the calls of Cackling Geese, Long-Tailed Ducks, Pacific Loons, Lapland Longspurs and shorebirds. Lots of shorebirds. Black-bellied Plovers, Dunlin, Semipalmated Sandpipers, and numerous …

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