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Summer 2020 was Cuckoo

The summer of 2020 was cuckoo in more ways than one . . . both Black- and Yellow-billed! There are two species of cuckoos (Cuculidae) that nest in Maine, Black-billed Cuckoo (pictured above) being more wide-spread while Yellow-billed Cuckoo (pictured below) is scarce with only a few known nesting …

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Honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2020

Today is an important holiday for the nation, for Maine, and for us at Maine Audubon. It is a day officially set aside for acknowledging our land's original inhabitants, but also the centuries of oppression and injustice committed against them. For Maine Audubon, it is a day we must renew and assert …

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Set up your own Big Sit this weekend!

This year, Maine Audubon will not be able to have a team for the Big Sit, but you can do your own! I'll be setting up one at home and encourage you to do the same. What is a Big Sit? The event is "a semi-competitive birding event originated by the New Haven Bird Club in 1992." It's free and open …

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