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Celebrating the Start of Summer

It finally feels like summer here at Gilsland Farm and everything is green and blooming.  Buds are just starting to emerge in our formal peony garden, right on schedule so they will hopefully be near peak flower for our Peony Bloom and Ice Cream Social on June 15. The Peony Bloom and Ice Cream …

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Conferences and Collaborative Ventures

April marks spring, a time for large migrations of birds and a time of change for plants. But spring is also is a key time for bringing people together for conferences and collaborative ventures. In early April I spoke at Colby College at a wonderful conference on Community, Culture and …

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Loon Count Results 2015

Rarely does a Maine summer day start out with such bad weather as it did on Saturday, July 18, 2015. Unfortunately, for Maine Audubon's dedicated corps of loon counters, this was also the morning of the 32nd annual loon count. Counters reported every form of rain imaginable, from hard and steady to …

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