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Plovers & Terns

A Day in the Life of a Plover Chick

By Katie Burns and Mary Badger (Piping Plover project interns) A day in the life of a plover chick can be an amazing and terrifying thing for our biologists to behold. Resembling a fluffy cotton-ball, a Piping Plover chick is possibly one of the cutest babies in the animal kingdom. However, their …

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Piping Plovers: Endangered, Small, and Tough.

By: Katie Burns, Piping Plover project intern Due to their endangered status and small stature, Piping Plovers are often given a bad rap by the general public. For years, they have been deemed “wimpy” or “pathetic,” but this is simply not the case. It's time to set the record straight: Piping …

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Piping Plover Nesting Update

With nice weather due to return for the weekend here in Maine, we would like to take a moment for a short update on our Piping Plover Monitoring Program. After the storms in late April, a group of plover/endangered species biologists from United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Maine …

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