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News & Notes

Trip Report: 2013 Bar Harbor Pelagic

The basic description we have used for this trip humbly states "great boat, great camaraderie, and, of course, great sightings of birds and marine mammals" – this is an understatement on many counts! We were very pleased to have about 100 guests aboard this annual trip. Below you will find a short …

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In the Community – September 19

Special Tour of Maine's Forests and Mills – The Nature Conservancy in Maine, Forest Society of Maine and Maine TREE Foundation invite you to explore Maine's forests and mills on a two-day adventure based in Greater Millenocket, Maine. September 23-24. Learn more through their flyer [pdf] »  Veazie …

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In the Community – Week of September 1

Video: Rescued Osprey Released Back to the Wild – After being rescued from a smoldering nest this fledgling, in full health thanks to Avian Haven, Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center was set free to catch his own alewives. Read about this and see the video at Bangor Daily News » ‘Global Impact':  An …

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In the Community – Week of August 19

Volunteer Opportunity Greater Bangor – The Penobscot River Restoration Trust is seeking volunteers to relocate freshwater mussels over the next several days immediately up-river of the Veazie Dam site - all help is appreciated! If you would like to lend a hand, please contact Cheryl Daigle, …

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Moving People to Action: Ruth’s Story

Ruth has been a volunteer with Maine Audubon for more than five years. She helps out at Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center (SMAC) every Tuesday in the summer. In the colder months, she assists at Gilsland Farm Audubon Center by greeting visitors, answering the phones and responding to wildlife …

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