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News & Notes

National Audubon’s New Website

As we've gone through the first classes of our Birding Basics series this year, I've enjoyed looking for and sharing resources that I think will be helpful for new or beginner birders. One of these resources was just released - a new website from National Audubon and here are some of the things you …

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Winter Wildlife Tracks

Even when it seems like there is not much wildlife to see in the winter, there are often signs left behind of many of the animals that are active during the cold months. These signs, typically tracks, are usually more obvious in fresh snow so there should be some good opportunities this week to look …

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A Preview of the 2015 Maine Legislative Session

Maine's legislative session has begun and it's game time for Maine wildlife. What happens in Augusta is even more important as we work to protect Maine's wildlife against climate change impacts. There are numerous opportunities to work together to make improvements to existing protections for …

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Field Trip Report: Gyrfalcon Chase!

Our 2015 field trips are off to a great start! Last Saturday we held our second annual January is for FOYS (First of the Year's Birds) Trip that tallied 51 species. And this morning we met to bird Back Cove in Portland. Unfortunately, the early morning temps were around 14 degrees F and expected …

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Resolutions for Wildlife

With a new year upon us, it's time to refocus and reinvigorate our commitment to wildlife conservation. In 2015, Maine Audubon will do everything in its power to make Maine wildlife more resistant and more resilient to climate change. That means we're going to be more aggressive than ever when it …

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