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News & Notes

Conferences and Collaborative Ventures

April marks spring, a time for large migrations of birds and a time of change for plants. But spring is also is a key time for bringing people together for conferences and collaborative ventures. In early April I spoke at Colby College at a wonderful conference on Community, Culture and …

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Predicting Hummingbird Arrivals

Spring is coming and many of our most loved birds will be here any day! Thanks to long running citizen science projects we can pretty accurately predict when certain species are going to arrive. One migrant that a lot of people are already talking about and eagerly awaiting is the Ruby-throated …

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Solar Rally at the State House

Join Maine Audubon and our Solar for ME coalition partners for a big solar rally at the State House next Wednesday, April 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. RSVP for the solar rally! Maine is already in last place for solar in the region, but Governor LePage and his allies are working hard to further …

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