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News & Notes

What we’re thankful for in 2017

We asked the Maine Audubon community to reflect on the question, "What are you thankful for in nature?" and received quite a few thoughtful replies. You can leave us a comment with your answer too. We'd love to hear what inspires you. I am especially grateful for the awe-inspiring fall foliage …

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Celebrating our Corporate Partners and supporters

“In Maine, we don't have to choose between a healthy environment and a healthy economy. The two are not only interdependent, but also synergistic. Wildlife and habitat are at the core of our state's identity, promise, and economic vitality. That means when Maine's wildlife thrives, Maine thrives.” …

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Andy’s Note: The Storm and the Calm

Happy November, friends. If you're reading this, you must have some semblance of electrical power following the humdinger of a windstorm that visited us on Monday morning. Either you are one of the approximately 200,000 folks whose power has been restored...or you are reading my post on a phone …

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Remembering Jed Wright

Everyone at Maine Audubon was deeply saddened to learn of the recent passing of Jed Wright, project leader of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Gulf of Maine Coastal Program and a frequent and close collaborator with many members of our staff and the broader Maine conservation community. In …

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Is the sky bluer in the fall?

I love October -- the clear air, the bright leaves, and the deep blue sky. While appreciating the rich colors on a recent walk, I wondered, “Is the sky actually a deeper shade of blue in fall?” Thanks to physics, I was able to dig around and find the answer -- which is “yes!” Two light scattering …

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2017 Legislative Summary

The November 2016 elections brought new faces to the Maine Legislature and to the committees that analyze environmental issues, all within a political climate in which vetoes from the Governor have come to be expected. The session was extended beyond its June adjournment date because of stalled …

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