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News & Notes

Caution: Alcid X-ing

Something is going on with alcids... During most winters, birders strain their scopes along the coast, hoping to catch a glimpse of one of these generally elusive birds. Alcids (short for Alcidae, the family that includes our Atlantic Puffin, Thick-billed and Common Murres, Razorbill, Dovekie, and …

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Fireflies in Winter?

Most people associate fireflies with soft summer evenings, but late in February and into March it is possible to see Winter dark fireflies (Ellychnia corrusca) glowing in the woods.  The larvae and pupae have the ability to bioluminesce, but lose the necessary organs as they become adults during …

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Andy’s Note: Once in a Blue Super Blood Moon

I hope that the clouds did not obscure your view of last night's Super Blue Blood Moon. If you missed out, mark your calendar for another Blue Moon on March 31st. If you manage to view both of them, consider yourself fortunate -- we won't see two blue moons in one year again until 2037. My wife …

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