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News & Notes

Andy’s Note: Stop and Smell the Peonies

Happy June, friends. Did you know Maine has more total annual hours of daylight than Florida? This is the month where that little-known fact becomes a little easier to believe. There is so much going on in the natural world. Many species are focused on raising their families -- and we all have …

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Pollinator Parade & Festival: Join the Fun!

As you read this, Monarch butterflies are making their way north from their overwintering grounds in Mexico -- according to Journey North, they've reached the mid-Atlantic states right now. By the time we see any in late summer here in Maine, these butterflies will have traveled almost three …

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A Mother’s Day Gift

The morning air was cool, but the sunshine inviting, so I took a break from my baking and went outside. I lay down in the unmowed grass with my arms folded behind my head and my eyes closed. I was ready for a rest, but found myself sitting up and alert in no time. There was so much to see and …

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Andy’s Note: In Full Bloom

Few monthly transitions are as pronounced as the move from April to May. May marks the return of color, the fuller emergence of plant life, and increased animal activity. A jaunt in the woods in the Portland area reveals new bird species arriving on a daily basis. Trout lilies are already poking …

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