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Maine's Naturalist

Surfbird Spotted in Maine!

If someone asked what the next new bird species to Maine would be, I wouldn't have guessed Surfbird. Probably not even with 100 guesses. But it happened. On March 20, a group from the Tin Mountain Bird Society spotted an unusual bird amongst some Ruddy Turnstones and Purple Sandpipers. That …

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The Mysteries of Crow Roosts

Have you noticed swarms of crows passing over your house, or maybe overhead while driving home in the evening? Throughout the winter, you are likely seeing American Crows as they head off to spend the evening in a communal roost. Crows are very intelligent and social. While crows spend most …

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Love Birds

With Valentine's Day just a few days away, it seems fitting to discuss love this week. Here are a few fun facts about some of Maine's lovebirds: "Birds Mate for Life" Let's start by debunking a big misconception: “Birds mate for life.” The simple answer is no, they do not. Polygamy, in the …

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National Audubon’s New Website

As we've gone through the first classes of our Birding Basics series this year, I've enjoyed looking for and sharing resources that I think will be helpful for new or beginner birders. One of these resources was just released - a new website from National Audubon and here are some of the things you …

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Winter Wildlife Tracks

Even when it seems like there is not much wildlife to see in the winter, there are often signs left behind of many of the animals that are active during the cold months. These signs, typically tracks, are usually more obvious in fresh snow so there should be some good opportunities this week to look …

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Field Trip Report: Gyrfalcon Chase!

Our 2015 field trips are off to a great start! Last Saturday we held our second annual January is for FOYS (First of the Year's Birds) Trip that tallied 51 species. And this morning we met to bird Back Cove in Portland. Unfortunately, the early morning temps were around 14 degrees F and expected …

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