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National Audubon Reports on Climate Risks to Maine Birds

Today the National Audubon Society released a new report, Survival By Degrees: 389 Species on the Brink, which gives detailed projections for how climate change will impact the ranges of hundreds of bird species. The report contains state-by-state breakdowns of these projections, and the Maine …

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Maine’s Naturalist: Grouse Encounters

This story was submitted by a member, Marion Britts of Orland, and we wanted to share her joy and excitement with others. We love hearing about how our members are making connections with the wild world around them. It has been included in full here with only minor edits. One morning as I was …

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Common Nighthawks Migrating

Keep your eyes to the skies this Labor Day Weekend as swarms of nighthawks migrate south! The Common Nighthawk is a seldom encountered species in Maine – most Mainers will be more familiar with their cousin, the vocal Eastern Whip-poor-will – but in late August we see a spike in their sightings as …

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Endangered Species Act: What Do the Changes Mean for Maine Wildlife?

An estimated one million species of plants and animals currently face an imminent threat of extinction. Nevertheless, the Trump Administration has just issued new regulations significantly weakening our nation's most successful wildlife conservation law, the Endangered Species Act. On Thursday, …

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