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Guest post: Life in the Arctic

It's 3 am and the cacophony surrounds me. I lie in my tent in the low angled light of a 24-hour sun, listening to the calls of Cackling Geese, Long-Tailed Ducks, Pacific Loons, Lapland Longspurs and shorebirds. Lots of shorebirds. Black-bellied Plovers, Dunlin, Semipalmated Sandpipers, and numerous …

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Bluebirds in Maine’s Winter

Eastern Bluebirds are becoming an increasingly common sight during the winter in the southern-half of Maine. I wrote about this when we started this blog back in 2015 ("It's Winter in Maine! Why do I see robins and bluebirds?") and we've seen the trend continue since. Let's take a look at a few …

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How to Tell Crows from Ravens in Maine

Maine is home to several species of large, smart, loud, occasionally obnoxious, sometimes eerie, endlessly fascinating birds called corvids. Our two species of jay belong to this family, Canada Jay and Blue Jay, as well as three similar-looking black birds: American Crow, Fish Crow, and Common …

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