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Policy & Advocacy

LD 385, Wind Bill, Becomes Law

LD 385 has been signed by the Governor and is now law.  It improves public participation in the wind permitting process, increases predictability, protects the globally rare Bicknell's thrush, and ensures that approved wind development moving forward is designed and operated in a manner that …

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Mining Bill Dies in Nonconcurrence

LD 1302 died in nonconcurrence.  The House passed the bill as amended by the majority report and the Senate passed the bill as amended by the minority report as amended.  The bodies didn't agree so the bill died.  We felt that this was a better outcome than agreeing to a watered down bill.  The …

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Merger on the Appropriations Table

LD 837, which merges the Departments of Agriculture and Conservation has been placed on the special appropriations table pending enactment.  There is a fiscal note of approximately $50,000 per year for 3 years.  Given that this is a priority of the administration, we expect that it will get funded …

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LD 730 Passes 125-19

The House voted to enacted LD 730 last night by a vote of 125-19!!!  The next step is for the Senate to enact it as well.  Unfortunately, there appears to have been a drafting error so the Senate will likely table it until an amendment can be crafted. …

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Mining Bill, LD 1302, Update

LD 1302, as amended, has passed the House by a vote of 91-49.  The Senate vote to accept the majority report failed by a vote of 17-18.  The Senate went on to accept the minority report.  The House insisted and the matter is now tabled in the Senate.  We expect the Senate to take it up at any time. …

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