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Stream Smart Workshops

Workshops are offered throughout the year in various parts of the state.

Maine Audubon and its Stream Smart partners work to provide training opportunities for professionals all across the state of Maine in order to expand the local knowledge base on how to include aquatic organism passage and higher storm volume capacity when designing stream/road crossings.  We offer an Introductory Workshop, “Stream Smart Phase I Workshop,” and a two-day field-based training workshop, “Stream Smart Phase II Field Workshop.”

To sign up to receive information about upcoming workshops — or to request a Stream Smart training in your town or area — please contact us at or 207-781-2330 ext. 219.

Upcoming Workshops

Stream Smart Training–Phase 1:  learn about: the value of free-flowing streams; the regulations that are applicable when working on road/stream crossings; the principles of building Stream Smart crossings; the costs and benefits of Stream Smart crossings; and where to look for funding.

  • New dates + times coming soon

Stream Smart Training—Phase 2: A two-day, hands-on introduction to stream survey techniques and concepts associated with developing ecologically sound road/stream crossings.

  • New dates + times coming soon

Stream Smart for Municipalities Training: This workshop is specifically aimed at informing municipalities of the value of Stream Smart crossings as well as providing information about funding that is currently available to help offset the costs of these culvert replacement projects.

  • New dates + times coming soon

Stay tuned for more information on training webinars, or email to be notified when training information is available.

Workshop Resources

Phase I – Introductory Workshop

      • Sample Agenda
      • Presentations
      • Handouts

Phase II – Field Training Workshop

      • Sample Agenda
      • Presentations
      • Handouts/Tools

Virtual Stream Smart Phase I Workshop

On April 6, 2021 Maine Audubon and its Stream Smart partners held the first virtual Stream Smart Phase I workshop.

Part 1, Value of Stream Smart and Legal Requirements: Overview of the ecological functions and values of free-flowing streams and the impacts undersized crossings can have ecologically and for public safety. Partners also share information on specific regulations related to new or replacement road/stream crossings.

Part 2, Stream Smart Demonstration Table: Video demonstration displaying concepts of natural streams, impacts of improper crossings, and how to create a variety of appropriate crossings. Stream Smart works with contractors, landowners, and other professionals responsible for road-stream crossings to construct culverts that maintain fish and wildlife habitat while protecting roads and public safety. Maine Audubon and partners host workshops and field trainings for people across the state, reconnecting hundreds of miles of stream habitat for wildlife. FMI:

Part 3, How to Create and Pay for Stream Smart Crossings: Stream Smart principles and technical steps needed for the creation of Stream Smart crossings, including project planning and management. Discussion of cost/benefit analysis, DEP grant program and other potential funding opportunities to cover the cost of upgrading crossings.


Stream Smart and Forestry:  A workshop for the forest industry that includes information on the value of Stream Smart crossings,  designing Stream Smart crossings, a demonstration stream table, regulatory requirements, and how to get technical and financial assistance.  Watch the workshop (120 minutes, YouTube video)

StreamSmart and Forestry