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Stream Smart Screen Time!

There are many steps in the creation of a Stream Smart crossing, and this fall Maine Audubon and partners have released two new videos covering two of the most important ones: water control, and streambed and streambank building. Our many training videos are used by municipalities, contractors, and foresters across Maine as they plan and build better road crossings.

[click on the photo to launch the videos in YouTube]

Stream Smart: Water Control video

Stream Smart Bed and Bank Building video link

Water control is important to protect water quality during construction, to keep equipment and the project running efficiently, and to protect fish and wildlife. We cover timing requirements (most in-stream work is required to be conducted between July 15 and September 30), fish removal (usually done through electrofishing!), how to plan for the unexpected (have enough pumps, hoses, and fuel on hand), and how to handle both clean and dirty water during construction.

Properly constructed streambeds and streambanks are important for three main reasons: 1) they help protect the structure from scour, 2) they create a natural shape for the stream so there’s a water channel even at low flows, and 3) they provide natural passageways for both aquatic and terrestrial wildlife.

By controlling water during construction and by building naturally functioning streambeds and streambanks, our Stream Smart crossings enhance habitat for fish and wildlife, allow movement of fish and other aquatic life up and downstream, protect roads and public safety, and let the stream act like a stream.

Visit the Stream Smart Resources Library for all the construction videos and much more.