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Speak up in defense of Maine’s new National Monument

Canada lynx by Michael Zahra
Canada lynx by Michael Zahra

Last summer’s creation of the Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument in northern Maine was a huge victory for conservation and wildlife in our state. Today, that designation is at risk.

The Trump administration is conducting a review of national monument designations, including Katahdin Woods & Waters. Currently the Department of Interior (DOI) is accepting public comments on this review.

What you can do:
Visit the DOI comment page and submit your comment in support of the Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument. Be sure to mention its value to Maine’s wildlife, people, and economy, and your perspective on the transparent, public process that was followed to create it.

Comments are being accepted until July 10, 2017. In particular, the review is focused on whether the Monument designation was made “Without Adequate Public Outreach and Coordination With Relevant Stakeholders.

Many of you remember the long, involved, public process that led to this designation. Indeed, many of you joined us on trips to Augusta and Orono to participate in that process! Be sure to emphasize the rigorous and transparent review process in your comment.

In terms of highlighting the benefits for Maine’s wildlife, the Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument protects:

  • Riparian habitat along more than 30 miles of rivers and streams and at least seven ponds, which together are used by 85% of Maine vertebrates for feeding, nesting, resting, and traveling.
  • Habitat for over 75 species of birds, including migratory forest birds that depend on this internationally significant area as their primary breeding habitat.
  • Extensive wetlands, including Inland Waterfowl and Wading Bird Habitat designated as “Significant Wildlife Habitat” by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
  • Critical habitat for the federally endangered Canada lynx.
  • Important fish habitat – especially for wild eastern brook trout and endangered Atlantic salmon.
  • Nine rare Natural Communities identified by the Maine Natural Areas Program.
  • Several rare aquatic species that require clean cold water, including species of freshwater mussel, dragonfly, and turtle.

Thank you for making your voice heard on this important issue — and for all you do for Maine’s wildlife.