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Meet our newest Family Fun graduate!

Four-year-old Maddy has been attending Family Fun at Gilsland Farm Audubon Center (Falmouth) for the last two years. Next week will be her last session with us before attending school five days a week in the fall. As one of our most loyal Family Fun attendees and soon to be a “graduate” of the program, we wanted to interview her and let her share her thoughts about Family Fun!

Note: some of Maddy’s quotes include supplemented information from her mother Laura.

“I see a butterfly! Do you see that white butterfly over there? Can you record the butterfly too?”

Q: What is your name and how old are you?
A: 4. Maddy.

Q: What is important for people to know about you?
That I like unicorns and dinosaurs, iguanas, salamanders . . .

Q: Where are some of your favorite places to visit or play at Gilsland Farm?
A: Moose Woods!

Q: What are some memories you will have from Family Fun?
A: I like painting.

Artwork made at Family Fun
One of Maddy’s paintings

Q: Did you enjoy being one of the oldest kids at Family Fun? What did you like about it?
A: Everything. I get to do things that the little kids can’t do.

Q: You help a lot. You help pass things out and remind the younger kids to give animals the space they need. What will you do when you’re a grown up to help animals?
A: I have an idea! I could help get plastic off of them.

I want to be a paleontologist and hunt for dinosaur bones. I know the iguanodon. Do you know why I changed my favorite dinosaur from a T-Rex to the triceratops? Because T-Rexes would eat meat so they would eat me. They would eat us.

I want to have a triceratops pet with babies! I would feed them leaves and grass… everything green. And I could build a nest so she could lay eggs. I could carefully pick up the eggs and put them in the nest.”

Q: What have you learned at Maine Audubon?
A: The pond animals and the Red-Winged Blackbirds.
Mom: We don’t have those at our house so she’s always seeing them here.

Thank you Maddy for attending Family Fun! We have loved your artwork, your questions full of curiosity, and your willingness to help out.

Family Fun at Gilsland Farm will take a brief pause during summer and resume again in the fall. This program is for children ages 2-5 with a caretaker and provides a developmentally-appropriate nature-based curriculum.

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