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Maine Policy Review features Maine Audubon on Citizen Science

Thanks to the Maine Policy Review for publishing this article on lessons we’ve learned from decades of citizen science work in the field of wildlife conservation, authored by director of conservation Sally Stockwell and wildlife biologist Susan Gallo.

The lessons include:

  • Be realistic
  • Longevity is key
  • Longevity is hard to sustain
  • Partnerships are essential
  • Celebrate your volunteers!

Citizen science volunteers are at the core of so much of the work we do at Maine Audubon. Overall, the article concludes:

“Given the right support, tools, and training, citizen scientists can provide an invaluable service to wildlife professionals and conservation efforts. They allow us to collect data, identify issues, and demonstrate trends that we could never possibly do alone. Their work can and does lead to better stewardship and protection of our wildlife and habitat through public awareness, community action, and local, state, and federal policy making.”

Read the full article in the Maine Policy Review.