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Maine Climate Council Vows to Stay on Track

In this time of uncertainty and anxiety over a global health emergency, it may be hard to think about other pressing matters like climate change. However, Maine is not letting one crisis prevent us from preparing for another, and so the work of the Maine Climate Council is proceeding with a modified schedule during the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

The Maine Climate Council was established in 2019 to develop a plan to meet the state’s greenhouse gas reduction goals and to advise the governor and the legislature on climate change mitigation and preparation. Members of the Council and its various subgroups include department commissioners, state leaders, science and technical experts, business and nonprofit leaders, municipal leaders, a tribal representative, and others. Maine Audubon’s Sally Stockwell is on the Council’s Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, and Eliza Donoghue is on the Natural and Working Lands Working Group.

The Council is on a tight deadline: produce a 4-year State Climate Action Plan by December 2020. The Council knows that hard work and diligence are necessary in order to meet that deadline, and all of their work has been made more difficult by the coronavirus outbreak. However, the Council understands that addressing climate change remains a high priority, and that public participation in the process is still critical.

To stay on track while still adhering to medical guidance to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, the Council has decided to shift to online virtual meetings, for both upcoming working group meetings as well as stakeholder and public meetings planned for this spring. However, the Council may adjust its schedule as necessary.

Maine Audubon strongly encourages anyone interested to watch and participate in public meetings related to the Maine Climate Council, via Zoom. A full calendar of public meetings can be found here, and some upcoming meetings are listed here:

Maine Climate Council Scientific and Technical Subcommittee
April 8, 2020 – 1pm
Agenda and Zoom links here

Maine Climate Council Community Resilience, Public Health, and Emergency Management Working Group
April 9, 2020 – 9am
Agenda and Zoom links here

Maine Climate Council Coastal and Marine Working Group
April 16, 2020 – 9:30am
Agenda and Zoom links here

Maine Climate Council Energy Working Group
April 27, 2020 – 9am
Agenda and Zoom links here

Maine Climate Council Transportation Working Group
April 27, 2020 – 11:30am
Agenda and Zoom links here

These are difficult times, but it would be a mistake to halt the work we are doing. As this virus has taught us, preparation is key to mitigating a worldwide crisis. We know that climate change is coming, and the more we can do to get ourselves ready, the better off we’ll be.

We hope that you all can continue to join in the Maine Climate Council process as it moves forward, and more importantly, that you are all staying healthy and safe during the current public health emergency.